Monthly tuition payments are due by the first of each month. Tuition remains the same whether it is a long (5-week) or short (3-week) month and regardless of absences.
Credit card payments are accepted through our online registration system. You may also set up monthly automatic credit card payments through the online system. Tuition payments may be placed in the mailbox located inside the studio or mailed to studio address. Please make checks payable to “Inspire Dance Academy.” If paying cash, please place payment in a sealed envelope with student’s name.
If tuition is not received by the 15th of the month, a $15 late fee will be added to your account.
Tuition is non refundable. Our season runs from September-June and tuition is divided into 9 monthly installments, paid from September through May.
If a student is not continuing with class, please notify the studio prior to the start of a new month to withdraw from the class. If you would like to withdraw mid month, classes not attended will not be refunded.
New Rates for 2024/2025 Season
# Hours Monthly
per week tuition
45 minutes/wk…………………….....$57
50 minutes/wk.............................$59
1 hr./wk…...……..............................$67
1.5 hr./wk………………………….........$99
2 hrs./wk…………………………….......$125
2.5 hrs./wk………………………….......$141
3 hrs./wk…………………………….......$160
3.5 hrs./wk………………………….......$170
4 hr hrs./wk……………………….......$180
4.5 hrs./wk………………………….......$190
5 hrs./wk -……................................$200
5.5+ hrs/wk....................................$210
6 + hrs/wk......................................$215
Dress Code:
Class Attire-We ask that appropriate dance attire be worn in all dance classes. Hair should be worn in a ponytail or bun in all dance classes.
Below are basic guidelines. Specific brands are not required but if you would like brand suggestions please ask us for our ‘Recommended Attire Sheet.’
Dancers should bring shoes in a dance bag to keep track of their belongings.
Move & Groove for 2 year olds
Any color leotard or comfortable top.
Leggings or footless tights in any color
Bare feet- can wear socks with grips
Creative Ballet- 2.5-3.5 year olds
Ballet shoes - Pink
Leotard - Preferably pink
Tights - Pink footed or convertible tights
3-4 year old, 4-5 year old or Kindergarten Ballet/Tap
Ballet shoes - Pink (Please clearly write child’s name in both ballet & tap shoes)
Tap shoes - Black (preferably velcro)
Tights - Pink footed or convertible tights
Leotard-(solid color preferably light pink)
*Small dance skirts are appropriate and skirts attached to leotards are preferred.
Kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade Ballet/Tap/Jazz (Dancers do not need Jazz shoes unless the recital dance is determined to be jazz. Please do not purchase until we notify you. )
Ballet shoes - Pink (Please clearly write child’s name in both ballet & tap shoes)
Tap shoes - Black (preferably velcro)
Tights - Convertible (sometimes called Transition) tights. Dancers will take feet out of tights Jazz portions of class)
Leotard - (Preferably light pink for kindergarten, black for grades 1 and up.)
*Small dance skirts are appropriate and skirts attached to leotards are preferred
1st, 2nd grade Ballet/Jazz -
Ballet shoes - Pink (Please clearly write child’s name in both ballet & jazz shoes)
Jazz Shoes- Tan slip on jazz shoes
Tights - Pink convertible or footed
Leotard - (solid color preferably black)
All Ages Ballet/Tap/Jazz Combo classes- ONLY NEED BALLET AND TAP SHOES FOR SEPTEMBER. (Dancers do not need Jazz shoes unless the recital dance is determined to be jazz. We will notify you by January. If your dancer has jazz shoes from last year they are welcome to wear them.
Ballet, Tap, & Jazz single genre classes for grades 3 and up.
Ballet Class:
Shoes - pink ballet shoes. (Capezio Hanami ballet shoe. 2037C, 2037W.)
Leotard- Black
Tights- Pink or tan
Tap Class:
Shoes- Black (oxford style shoe for ages 10+) under 10 any style tap shoe.
Leotard- Black
Tights- pink, black or tan tights or fitted leggings.
Jazz Class:
Shoes- Tan slip on Jazz shoe Capezio "E" series is an example but we do not require a specific brand
Leotard- Black
Tights - pink, black or tan tights or fitted leggings.
Leggings - cropped or fitted yoga legging for Performance team classes, tap or jazz
Fitted tank tops - spandex tank tops can be worn but they must be fitted to the body like a leotard.
*Long sleeve fitted tops may be worn in winter months but must be fitted. It cannot be baggy or have a hood. Do not wear t-shirts or loose shirts to class.
Contemporary & Modern
Dancers should wear tan footless tights or fitted yoga pant leggings. A leotard or a fitted (spandex) top is an appropriate top for class. Please do notwear a loose top or t-shirt. We dance barefoot, or if preferred, dancers can wear a lyrical shoe.(Footundeez)
Hip Hop- Boys & Girls- All Ages
Dancers may wear comfortable clothes they are able to move well in. No skirts, no jeans, no pajamas please. Please bring a clean & dry pair of sneakers with you for the dance floor.
Male Dancers-
White t-shirt tucked into solid color stretchy shorts or pants.
Shoes: Black ballet shoes, black tap shoes for Ballet/Tap/Tumble
Shoes: Black Ballet shoes for Creative Ballet
Barefoot for Move & Groove
Classroom Rules:
All students’ hair must be tied back and secured for class. Longer hair should be worn in a bun. Please do not wear any jewelry to class. Stud earrings are acceptable. No gum chewing or candy in class. Respect and kindness should always be displayed to fellow dancers and instructors.
Classroom behavior:
Our studio is a safe place for our students to learn, dance and make friends. It is a structured learning environment and we do have an expectation that our students are there to dance and learn, while also having fun.
If behavior issues arise in class with a particular student, we will privately address this with the parent. If the student’s behavior continues to be disruptive to the class and other students, we will call a meeting with the parent and student to discuss the next steps for the dancer.
For families who have more than one child attending classes we have sibling discounts. The 2nd and 3rd child receive 7% off their tuition. The 4th child will receive 10% off.
An annual registration fee of $30 per student, or $35 per family is due upon registration to secure your place in a class. There is no registration fee for adult classes.
Weather Cancellations:
From time to time, a class may be cancelled due to weather conditions. An email will be sent at least 1 hour before your dancer's class time if classes are cancelled.. During inclement weather we will also post on our Facebook page.
If you would like to take a make up class due to a weather cancellation, please find a class on the schedule that is age appropriate and email to let us know you’d like to attend.
If a class has 2 or more snow days, we will make our very best effort to schedule a make up class day.
Regular attendance is important and allows students to receive the most benefit from their dance program.
During the second half of the year students are learning choreography for the recital. Poor attendance holds back the entire class. Please email the studio if you are planning to be absent from class.
COVID-19 and Health Precautions
We ask that you continue to use good judgment and not send your child to class if they are unwell. If a member of your family tests positive for Covid and your dancer remains symptom free and tests negatively for Covid, please have them wear a mask while at the studio.
Annual Performance:
Each year Inspire Dance Academy LLC provides the opportunity for students to perform in our end of the year recital. All students are eligible to participate. This performance is an exciting experience for the dancers to show the skills they have been working on throughout the year, therefore participation is not mandatory but it is encouraged.
We make our very best effort to accommodate as many families as possible with siblings in the same showtime. However, there is no guarantee because of the number of students who take multiple classes per week and families with more than one child enrolled. We appreciate your understanding.
Recital Costumes:
Costumes are purchased for the dancers that participate in the recital. Child costumes will be $70, adult sized costumes are $80. This fee includes a pair of tights if the costume requires it. For students purchasing multiple costumes, a 50% deposit will be due by November 15th and December 1st. For dancers purchasing 1 costume, the costume payment will be due by November 15th.
Outdoor Footwear:
Dancers who choose to wear sneakers for hip hop, please bring an extra pair of clean sneakers especially during winter months to avoid tracking sand and salt into the studio.
In order to keep the traffic flow and congestion limited at transition times, we will recommend door drop off and pick up for classes other than our Preschool and kindergarten classes. However, you are more than welcome to come in our waiting room during your class time to view your dancer from the viewing window.
Parking Lot:
Parking is available in the lots in front, beside or behind the building unless marked otherwise. During special events where parking may be tight you may also park in the overflow parking lot across the street labeled “parking for 16-24 Water Street.”
Please be sure you are slowly and carefully pulling in and out of the parking lot. I ask that at pick up time, parents of dancers 9 and under, please come to pick up your child at the doorway, so you can walk with them through the parking lot. If your dancer is older than 9, please speak to them how to walk through the parking lot safely, or please come to the doorway to pick them up.
Holiday Calendar 2024-25:
Classes begin on Monday, September 16th
Rosh Hashanah October 3rd OPEN
Yom Kippur- October 12th OPEN
Columbus Day- Monday, Oct 14th- CLOSED
Halloween – Thursday, October 31st- CLOSED
Veteran's Day- Monday, Nov. 11th- CLOSED
Thanksgiving Break- Wednesday, Nov. 27th- Sat. Nov. 30th- CLOSED
Holiday Break – Dec. 23rd- Jan. 1st - CLOSED
Martin Luther King Jr. Day- Monday, January 20th - CLOSED
February Break - Monday, February 17th-22nd CLOSED
Good Friday/Easter Weekend- OPEN
April Break - Monday, April 21st-26th- CLOSED
Memorial Day weekend Sat. May 24th-May 26th- CLOSED
We welcome you to Inspire thank you for giving us the opportunity to share the art of dance with you and your children. We encourage our students to work to their personal best, and to always dream big, work hard and have fun!
Move & Groove- $87/6 week session
Adult Dance Classes- $53/month
Inspirations Program- $70/month
Copyright © Inspire Dance Academy LLC